Thursday, October 27, 2011


     First I have to say I'm totally team Ren because Shay just irks me. Shay, a human turned wolf by Calla, another wolf, as I was saying Shay's personality is just plain annoying.

     Calla as I mentioned is an alpha wolf, she ran off trying to save Shay and teams up with the known to be 'enemy' to save her pack from being killed and tortured. Cremer wrote an extraordinary sequel, Wolfsbane, Nighshade, the first book of the series. In my opinion I thought the mid to end of Wolfsbane was written with alot of action and thought while the beginning of the book just made me want to fall asleep and give up on the book. After I read the ending of the book my thought was I need to read the next book so badly. Creamer left the ending on a cliffhanger. I anticipate to read her next novel. I have high expectations for this series and hope to wanting more.

overall score: 4/5 

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